Please email for access to any of the articles below.
Hastings Silao, Z.*, X.S. Ocloo*, M. Chapman*, L. Hunt*, K. Stenger. 2023. Trends in agroforestry research over 4 decades. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 11(1): 00151. (pdf) *shared first author
Ticktin, T., L. Mandle, Z. Hastings, T. Hoppe, & C. Trauernicht. 2023. Reducing seed predation by introduced rodents helps, but is insufficient to prevent long-term decline of common forest trees. Biological Conservation, 278.
Hastings, Z., T. Ticktin, M. Wong, J. K. Shultz, & L. L. Bremer. 2023. Non-native fallows hold high potential for restoration through agroforestry in a Pacific Island ecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 342.
Nerfa, L., Z. Hastings, A. Tsuneyoshi, K. Kawelo, J. Beachy, & T. Ticktin. 2022. Removal of non-native trees fosters but alone is insufficient for forest regeneration in Hawaiʻi. Forest Ecology and Management, 517.
Hastings, Z., M. Wong, & T. Ticktin. 2021. Who gets to adopt? Contested values constrain just transitions to agroforestry. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. (pdf)
Sykora-Bodie, S., L. Jones, Z. Hastings, et al. 2021. Graduate student perspectives on transforming academia. Conservation Science and Practice, e556. (pdf)
Melone, A., L. L. Bremer, S. E. Crow, Z. Hastings, K. B. Winter, T. Ticktin, Y. M. Rii, M. Wong, K. Kukea-Shultz, S. Watson, C. Trauernicht. 2021. Assessing baseline carbon stocks for forest transitions: a case study of agroforestry restoration from Hawaiʻi. Agriculture. 11(3): 189. (pdf)
Hastings, Z., T. Ticktin, M. Botelho, N. Reppun, K. Kukea-Shultz, M. Wong, A. Melone, & L. Bremer. 2020. Integrating co-production and trait-based approaches for inclusive and scalable restoration solutions. Conservation Science and Practice. e250. (pdf)
Ticktin, T., S. Quazi, R. Dacks, M. Tora, A. McGuigan, Z. Hastings, & A. Naikatini. 2018. Linkages between measures of biodiversity and community resilience in Pacific Island agroforests. Conservation Biology. 32(5): 1085-1095. (pdf)
Trauernicht, C., T. Ticktin, H. Fraiola, Z. Hastings, & A. Tsuneyoshi. 2018. Restoration enhances recovery of a Hawaiian mesic forest after fire. Forest Ecology and Management 411: 1-11.
Gray, S., W. Sears, M. Kolupski, Z. Hastings, N. Przyuski, M. Fox, & A. DeGrood, 2012. Factors affecting land-based sedimentation in coastal bays, US Virgin Islands. Proceedings of the 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-13 July. (pdf)
Reports and Technical Briefs
Hastings Silao, Z. 2022. Hawaiʻi Agroforestry Case Studies.
Hastings, Z., C. Trauernicht, T. Ticktin, & L. Bremer. 2022. Hawaiʻi Agroforestry Fact Sheets. (individual links below)
Friswold, B., Z. Hastings, C. Hendrickson, & Y.F. Huang. 2018. An analysis of policies to promote agroforestry for greenhouse gas sequestration in Hawaiʽi. White paper prepared for the State of Hawaiʻi Greenhouse Gas Sequestration Task Force. *authors are in alphabetical order